Use openssl
Create a anonymous object and try to serialize instance via gson. The code is below
Result of execution. null result when serialize a anonymous instance
git diff --name-only SHA1 SHA2or
git diff --name-only HEAD~10 HEAD~5
apply plugin: '' android { compileSdkVersion 23 buildToolsVersion "23.0.3" defaultConfig { applicationId "com.prhythm.myapplication" minSdkVersion 14 targetSdkVersion 23 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } } } dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' compile '' }
package com.prhythm.myapplication; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.widget.TextView; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import dalvik.system.DexFile; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); TextView text = (TextView) findViewById(; try { List<String> paths = new ArrayList<>(); DexFile dex = new DexFile(getApplicationInfo().sourceDir); for (Enumeration<String> entries = dex.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements(); ) { paths.add(entries.nextElement()); } text.append(String.format("Total entry count: %d%n", paths.size())); text.append("* " + TextUtils.join("\n* ", paths)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Looks like this issue is related to the new InstantRun feature in the Android Plugin for Gradle 2.0.0. getPackageCodePath() gets a String pointing towards the base.apk file in the Android file system. If we unzip that apk we can find one or several .dex files inside its root folder. The entries obtained from the method df.entries() iterates over the .dex files found in that root folder in order to obtain all of its compiled classes. However, if we are using the new Android Plugin for Gradle, we will only find the .dex related to the android runtime and instant run (packages, and Every other class will be compiled in several .dex files, zipped into a file called and placed into the root folder of the apk. That's why the code posted in the question is not able to list all the classes within the app. Still, this will only affect Debug builds since the Release ones don't feature InstantRun.
List<String> getClasses() throws IOException { List<String> paths = new ArrayList<>(); File instantRunDir = new File(getBaseContext().getFilesDir(), "instant-run/dex"); if (instantRunDir.exists()) { for (File dexPath : instantRunDir.listFiles()) { DexFile dex = new DexFile(dexPath); for (Enumeration<String> entries = dex.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements(); ) { paths.add(entries.nextElement()); } } } DexFile dex = new DexFile(getApplicationInfo().sourceDir); for (Enumeration<String> entries = dex.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements(); ) { paths.add(entries.nextElement()); } return paths; }
class ContentLoader { @JavascriptInterface public void load(String body) { // do something } } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); WebView webView = createWebView(); webView.loadUrl(""); // enable javascript webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); // add interface webView.addJavascriptInterface(new ContentLoader(), "ContentLoader"); webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { int action; @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { switch (action) { case 0: // fill field and submit view.loadUrl("javascript:{\n" + "\tdocument.querySelector('input[name=cgi_tel_no]').value='12345678';\n" + "\tdocument.querySelector('input[name=cgi_id_no]').value='abcdef';\n" + "\tsubmitMyForm();\n" + "};"); case 1: // get content from 'ContentLoader' interface view.loadUrl("javascript:{\n" + "\twindow.ContentLoader.load('<body>'+document.body.innerHTML+'</body>');\t\n" + "};"); break; } action++; } }); } WebView createWebView() { WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE); WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE, PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT); params.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT; params.x = 0; params.y = 0; params.width = 0; params.height = 0; LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this); layout.setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); WebView view = new WebView(this); view.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); layout.addView(view); windowManager.addView(layout, params); return view; }
線上安裝,支援的 OS 有 Ubuntu、Debian、CentOS、Raspberry PI 2 on Raspbian。直接依照說明即可完成。
# 執行備份 gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create
# 複製備份檔至備份路徑 sudo cp 1493107454_2017_04_25_9.1.0_gitlab_backup.tar /var/opt/gitlab/backups/ # 停止服務 sudo gitlab-ctl stop unicorn sudo gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq # 開始還原 sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=1493107454_2017_04_25_9.1.0 # 啟動系統 sudo gitlab-ctl start # 檢查還原結果 sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true
建立 svn 與 git 作者的 mapping 檔(author.txt)
nanashi07 = Bruce <>
由 svn 簽出為 git 專案
# clone from svn # with standard layout(trunk/branches/tags), "-s" argument is required # "author.txt" contains a list that svn accounts mapping to git authors git svn clone --authors-file=author.txt --no-metadata -s Caml.Maker cd Caml.Maker # convert tags git for-each-ref refs/remotes/tags | cut -d / -f 4- | grep -v @ | while read tagname; do git tag "$tagname" "tags/$tagname"; git branch -r -d "tags/$tagname"; done # convert branches git for-each-ref refs/remotes | cut -d / -f 3- | grep -v @ | while read branchname; do git branch "$branchname" "refs/remotes/$branchname"; git branch -r -d "$branchname"; done # add remote repository git remote add origin http://nanashi07:password@ # push to remote git push origin --all cd ..
# 停止服務 sudo gitlab-ctl stop unicorn sudo gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq sudo gitlab-ctl stop nginx # 備份 sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create # 安裝下載的檔案 # Ubuntu/Debian: sudo dpkg -i # CentOS: sudo rpm -Uvh gitlab-x.x.x_xxx.rpm # 重新設定與啟動 sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure sudo gitlab-ctl restart
[RoutePrefix("images")] public class ImageController : Controller { // GET: ~/images/profile.png // GET: ~/images/1873429732.jpg [HttpGet] [Route("{name}.{ext}")] public ActionResult ReadImage(string name, string ext) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/uploads/{0}.{1}", name, ext)))) { byte[] data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/uploads/{0}.{1}", name, ext))); string contentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(string.Format("{0}.{1}", name, ext))); return File(data, contentType); } else { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(404); } } }
Then try test it, but respone 404 not found.
Add runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" on modules section.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> ... <system.webServer> ... <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"> <remove name="ApplicationInsightsWebTracking"/> <add name="ApplicationInsightsWebTracking" type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.ApplicationInsightsHttpModule, Microsoft.AI.Web" preCondition="managedHandler"/> </modules> </system.webServer> ... </configuration>
Then try it again, image rendered success.
sudo apt-get update# 安裝 package
sudo apt-get install subversion apache2 libapache2-svn apache2-utils# 建立 svn 資料夾
sudo mkdir -p /svn/repos/# 建立 svn 使用者 (apache)
sudo mkdir -p /svn/users/# 建立使用者(第一次時有參數-c)
sudo htpasswd -cm /svn/users/svnpasswd nanashi07# 刪除使用者後再重建(重設密碼)
#sudo htpasswd -D /svn/users/svnpasswd nanashi07 #sudo htpasswd -m /svn/users/svnpasswd nanashi07# 修改 apache 設定
sudo vi /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf
<Location /svn> DAV svn SVNParentPath /svn/repos/ AuthType Basic AuthName "SVN Repository" AuthUserFile /svn/users/svnpasswd Require valid-user </Location># 修改 apache 監聽埠
sudo vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf# 重新啟動 apache
sudo service apache2 restart# 建立資源庫
sudo svnadmin create /svn/repos/myproject# 設定資源庫權限
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /svn/repos/myproject# 設定資源庫權限
sudo chmod -R g+rws /svn/repos/myproject
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Drive.v2; using Google.Apis.Drive.v2.Data; using Google.Apis.Services; using Google.Apis.Util.Store; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SyncDump { class Program { /// <summary> /// 存取權限 /// </summary> static string[] Scopes = { DriveService.Scope.Drive, DriveService.Scope.DriveFile }; static string ApplicationName = "Drive Uploader"; static void Main(string[] args) { // 檢查輸入參數 if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("No target file argument!"); return; } // 要上傳的檔案 string dumpPath = args[0]; string dumpName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(dumpPath); // 載入驗證資訊 GoogleCredential credential; using (var stream = new System.IO.FileStream("client_secret.json", System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read)) { credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream); } // 建立 service DriveService service = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { HttpClientInitializer = credential.CreateScoped(Scopes), ApplicationName = ApplicationName }); // 進行上傳 insertFile( service, dumpName, dumpName, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""], "application/oct-stream", dumpPath ); } /// <summary> /// 新增檔案 /// </summary> /// <param name="service">Drive API service instance.</param> /// <param name="title">Title of the file to insert, including the extension.</param> /// <param name="description">Description of the file to insert.</param> /// <param name="parentId">Parent folder's ID.</param> /// <param name="mimeType">MIME type of the file to insert.</param> /// <param name="filename">Filename of the file to insert.</param><br> /// <returns>Inserted file metadata, null is returned if an API error occurred.</returns> private static File insertFile(DriveService service, string title, string description, string parentId, string mimeType, string filename) { // 檔案資訊 File body = new File(); body.Title = title; body.Description = description; body.MimeType = mimeType; // 設定上傳位置 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentId)) { body.Parents = new List<ParentReference>() { new ParentReference() { Id = parentId } }; } // 檔案內容 byte[] byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename); System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(byteArray); try { FilesResource.InsertMediaUpload request = service.Files.Insert(body, stream, mimeType); request.Upload(); File file = request.ResponseBody; Console.WriteLine("{0:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss} File {1} is uploaded to drive", DateTime.Now, file.Title); return file; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + e.Message); return null; } } } }