Specifier | Description | Examples |
y | One-digit year. If the year cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. |
"7" "95" |
yy | Two-digit year with leading zeroes if required. | "07" |
yyyy | Full four-digit year. | "2007" |
g or gg | Indicator of Anno Domini (AD). | "A.D." |
M | One-digit month number. If the month cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. |
"1" "12" |
MM | Two-digit month number with leading zeroes if required. | "01" |
MMM | Three letter month abbreviation. | "Jan" |
MMMM | Month name. | "January" |
d | One-digit day number. If the day cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. |
"3" "31" |
dd | Two-digit day number with leading zeroes if required. | "03" |
ddd | Three letter day name abbreviation. | "Wed" |
dddd | Day name. | "Wednesday" |
h | One-digit hour using the twelve hour clock. If the hour cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. |
"9" "12" |
hh | Two-digit hour using the twelve hour clock with leading zeroes if required. | "09" |
H | One-digit hour using the twenty four hour clock. If the hour cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. |
"1" "21" |
HH | Two-digit hour using the twenty four hour clock with leading zeroes if required. | "09" |
t | Single letter indicator of AM or PM, generally for use with twelve hour clock values. |
"A" "P" |
tt | Two letter indicator of AM or PM, generally for use with twelve hour clock values. |
"AM" "PM" |
m | One-digit minute. If the minute cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. |
"1" "15" |
mm | Two-digit minute with leading zeroes if required. | "01" |
s | One-digit second. If the second cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. |
"1" "59" |
ss | Two-digit second with leading zeroes if required. | "01" |
f | Fraction of a second. Up to seven f's can be included to determine the number of decimal places to display. |
"0" "0000000" |
z | One-digit time zone offset indicating the difference in hours between local time and UTC time. If the offset cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. |
"+6" "-1" |
zz | Two-digit time zone offset indicating the difference in hours between local time and UTC time with leading zeroes if required. | "+06" |