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javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Connection closed by peer in Android 5.0 Lollipop Recently, there is a error occurs when access website via ssl connection like below although it worked fine several days ago. // Enable SSL... filetracker error ftk1011 FileTracker error: ftk1011 : an error occurs on converting project from visual studio 2008(or under?) to visual studio 2010, and with some ... Tomcat GET encoding edit server.xml : <Connector     URIEncoding="UTF-8"     connectionTimeout="20000"     port="8080"     prot...
Date format memo
Available Picture Formatting Codes
Specifier Description Examples
y One-digit year. If the year cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. "7"
yy Two-digit year with leading zeroes if required. "07"
yyyy Full four-digit year. "2007"
g or gg Indicator of Anno Domini (AD). "A.D."
M One-digit month number. If the month cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. "1"
MM Two-digit month number with leading zeroes if required. "01"
MMM Three letter month abbreviation. "Jan"
MMMM Month name. "January"
d One-digit day number. If the day cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. "3"
dd Two-digit day number with leading zeroes if required. "03"
ddd Three letter day name abbreviation. "Wed"
dddd Day name. "Wednesday"
h One-digit hour using the twelve hour clock. If the hour cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. "9"
hh Two-digit hour using the twelve hour clock with leading zeroes if required. "09"
H One-digit hour using the twenty four hour clock. If the hour cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. "1"
HH Two-digit hour using the twenty four hour clock with leading zeroes if required. "09"
t Single letter indicator of AM or PM, generally for use with twelve hour clock values. "A"
tt Two letter indicator of AM or PM, generally for use with twelve hour clock values. "AM"
m One-digit minute. If the minute cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. "1"
mm Two-digit minute with leading zeroes if required. "01"
s One-digit second. If the second cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. "1"
ss Two-digit second with leading zeroes if required. "01"
f Fraction of a second. Up to seven f's can be included to determine the number of decimal places to display. "0"
z One-digit time zone offset indicating the difference in hours between local time and UTC time. If the offset cannot be specified in one digit then two digits are used automatically. "+6"
zz Two-digit time zone offset indicating the difference in hours between local time and UTC time with leading zeroes if required. "+06"