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javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Connection closed by peer in Android 5.0 Lollipop Recently, there is a error occurs when access website via ssl connection like below although it worked fine several days ago. // Enable SSL... Tired of Hibernate? Try JDBI in your code JDBI Quick sample ICategoryDAO.java : create a data access interface (implement is not required) package com.prhythm.erotic.task.data.... filetracker error ftk1011 FileTracker error: ftk1011 : an error occurs on converting project from visual studio 2008(or under?) to visual studio 2010, and with some ...
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Cumulative sum
SELECT * FROM pg_account;
    SUM(NVL(c.pg_entry,0)) cumulative,
    ROUND(s.pg_entry / (SELECT SUM(pg_entry) FROM pg_account)*100, 5) percentage,
    ROUND(SUM(NVL(c.pg_entry,0))/(SELECT SUM(pg_entry) FROM pg_account)*100,5) cumulative_percentage
FROM pg_account s, pg_account c
WHERE s.pg_id > c.pg_id OR (s.pg_id = c.pg_id AND s.pg_entry = c.pg_entry)
GROUP BY s.pg_id, s.pg_name, s.pg_entry
ORDER BY s.pg_id
    COUNT(c.pg_id) ranking
FROM pg_account s, pg_account c
WHERE s.pg_entry < c.pg_entry OR (s.pg_id = c.pg_id AND s.pg_entry = c.pg_entry)
GROUP BY s.pg_id, s.pg_name, s.pg_entry, s.pg_entry
ORDER BY s.pg_entry DESC
PG_ID                  PG_NAME              PG_ENTRY               
---------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- 
1                      Bruce                22                     
2                      James                72                     
3                      Yilin                65                     
4                      Ted                  77                     
5                      Charles              35                     
6                      Sean                 43                     
7                      Paul                 57                     
8                      Ken                  35                     
8 個資料列已選取

PG_ID                  PG_NAME              PG_ENTRY               CUMULATIVE             PERCENTAGE             CUMULATIVE_PERCENTAGE  
---------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- 
1                      Bruce                22                     22                     5.41872                5.41872                
2                      James                72                     94                     17.73399               23.15271               
3                      Yilin                65                     159                    16.00985               39.16256               
4                      Ted                  77                     236                    18.96552               58.12808               
5                      Charles              35                     271                    8.62069                66.74877               
6                      Sean                 43                     314                    10.59113               77.3399                
7                      Paul                 57                     371                    14.03941               91.37931               
8                      Ken                  35                     406                    8.62069                100                    
8 個資料列已選取

PG_ID                  PG_NAME              PG_ENTRY               RANKING                
---------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- 
4                      Ted                  77                     1                      
2                      James                72                     2                      
3                      Yilin                65                     3                      
7                      Paul                 57                     4                      
6                      Sean                 43                     5                      
5                      Charles              35                     6                      
8                      Ken                  35                     6                      
1                      Bruce                22                     8                      
8 個資料列已選取