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Expression in polymer
Since Polymer doesn't support expression directly, I create an express function as expression alternative.


Demo source

    <title>Express function for Polymer</title>
    <base href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/download/polymer-cdn/2.0.2/lib/">
    <link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer.html" />
    <expressed-content count="15"></expressed-content>

    <dom-module id="expressed-content">
            <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[sequences]]" as="item">
                <!-- This means: -->
                <!-- 1. sqrt(item) as $result -->
                <!-- 2. printText($result, item) as output -->
                <div>[[express(item, sqrt, printText, item)]]</div>
            'use strict';
            class ExpressedContent extends Polymer.Element {

                static get is() { return 'expressed-content'; }

                static get properties() {
                    return {
                        count: {
                            type: Number,
                            value: 10,
                            observer: '_countChanged'

                        sequences: {
                            type: Array

                _countChanged(n, o) {
                    n = Math.max(0, n * 1);
                    let sequences = [];
                    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                        sequences.push(i + 1);
                    this.sequences = sequences;

                 * An express function instead of expression
                express() {
                    let args = [...arguments];

                    // first argument should be first parameter
                    let params = [args.shift()];
                    // second argument should be a function
                    let fn = args.shift();

                    // arguments before next function will be additional parameters
                    while (args[0] && typeof (args[0]) !== 'function') {

                    // execute and receive result
                    let nextMainParam = fn.call(this, ...params);

                    // continue express when args is not empty
                    return args.length === 0 ? nextMainParam : this.express(nextMainParam, ...args);

                sqrt(n) {
                    return n * n;

                printText(n1, n2) {
                    return `${n2} x ${n2} = ${n1}`;

            customElements.define(ExpressedContent.is, ExpressedContent);